Monday 18 January 2010

Analysis of The Return

By the opening scene of this thriller, you can see that they have used a variety of shots and camera techniques including long, medium and close up shots. The first few seconds of the scene show all of these. The camera is used effectively and held steadily throughout the clip. The location for the opening is appropriate for a thriller theme, the forest setting creates a more isolated location, making a more tense atmosphere. The interior setting of the candle being blown out, uses editing to make it look more flickery. The whole scene uses this flickering effect which captures the attention of the audience as they need to focus more to see it.
The music is also appropriate to the thriller theme as it creates effect as well as the images.
The titles used work effectively with the background music and flicking camera edit. They make the film relate more to the thriller theme. They have used appropriate mise-en-scene for the thriller theme. We think that out of 60 the mark for the piece would be around 45 to 50.

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