The sounds reflect the thriller theme in this clip for example peter parker sees the fire there is diagetic sounds from the fire and falling building we know this because in the clip we can see where it is coming from, also, there is lots of panic from people around the area which also diagetic, this creates alot of suspense in the clip due to lots of screaming and the fire burning. when peter parker goes into the building to save the child we can hear non-diagetic screaming coming from the child but do not know where it is coming from this creates tension as you do not know whether he will find the child in time.
also, in this photo there is tension and suspese created as there is non-diagetic music in the background and thunder, also, his facial expression after the lightening is shown with a close up of his face so we get an understanding of the atmosphere he is feeling.
in this photo there is a low angle shot of the special powered man who takes control over the normal man and it shows domination through an over the shoulder shot so we get the initial view of his sight so it shows the audience the special mans powered dominance.
here violence is shown through the special powered character to see his 'special powers' reflecting the theme 'thriller' also in this shot he is threatening and over powering the other man in this situation to show domination also we see a flash off lightning when he is talking to create more atmosphere and effect.
a reaction shot is shown here in face of peter parker (spiderman) and another random man, this is showing fear of the characters an creating anxiety amongst the audience as we get the impression he is scared and weak.
a bit of comedy/humour is shown in this scene to cut tension during the clip to make it more accessible to a younger audience in this case.
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